Tips to Calm Down a Crying Baby 

Tips to Calm Down a Crying Baby 

When we become parents, our life takes quite a 360-degree turn. We wait for our baby to arrive as soon as possible. But when he is in our hands, crying his lungs out, we get lost in the world of baby blues and new responsibilities. In this post we will discuss Tips to Soothe a Crying Baby

Among a gazillion concerns of our baby, one is a crying baby. As new parents, every little thing overwhelms us, but a crying baby makes us more worried. We do everything to soothe him calm him down, but sometimes, nothing works. Why?  

Because without finding the root cause of your baby’s distress, you won’t be able to calm him down even if you’re pacing back and forth. 

Why Does My Baby Cry?

A universal question that keeps the parents awake (Apart from the baby.) But, your baby is a tiny human being with a whole load of physical and emotional needs. Since they’re too small to let their mama know of their demands. The only resort they can find is crying. So, if you’re a new parent (or not), you have to see it a little difficult to cope with this behavior of your naughty bub. 

First things first, you have to let go of the stress you’ve been carrying since you’ve entered parenthood. Nobody becomes a pro on this journey in the beginning. It takes time and effort to understand your baby’s demands and needs.

When you have calmed down a bit, you have to find out why your baby is crying. There can be numerous reasons, and we will list them to take you out of the baby-crying dilemma. 


First of all, you should check if your baby has a fever. He might be feeling down and cranky because of it.


A heavy or wet diaper might be the reason for your baby’s discomfort. So make sure to check his diaper. 


This is the most understandable thing to know that your child might be hungry. He will surely cry to let you know of his need if it is time for his milk.

Gastric issues:

Babies face many gastric problems as their digestive system is not fully developed. A stuck gas or stomach ache might be the reason for his cries.


The horror starts when your child starts showing symptoms of Colic. He might cry for no reason and too for continuous. 

Cold or hot:

If you cover up your baby with many layers, they might feel irritated. Or cold weather can make them distressed too. 

Mama- Love:

Your child might only be crying because he needs his mama and her comfort. As the world and new experiences scare him, a little hug from his mama brings him peace.

How Can I Calm Down My Baby?

How Can I Calm Down My Baby?

So we have discussed the possible reasons that might disturb your child. You can do a few things to calm your distressed and cranky baby with the help of a few tips.

Rock your baby back and forth in your arms:

We know it’s very exhausting to hold him and just pace off till your feet rag and your baby stops crying.

Put him in a swing or bouncer:

You can put your baby in the swing to help him calm down. Movement and vibration might make them feel better.

Tummy time

If your baby cannot pass gas, you can put him on his stomach on your lap. Rub his back slowly or make him do cycling exercises to relieve him.

Diaper time:

Changing a soiled or wet diaper can make your child stop crying. So you need to keep a check on his diaper too. 

Colicky baby:

If your child is a colic baby, you can give him colic drops and hold him close to your heart. 

White noise:

It created a buzz in the parenting world, and many parents swear by it! White noise can calm your baby down and make him fall asleep as well. 

Feeding time:

If your child is hungry, a little milk bonding time will make them feel better and quench their hunger. 

Conclusion: Tips to Calm Down a Crying Baby

We know parenthood is not easy, but it is not impossible either. At some point, you’ll feel exhausted, tired, and feel like giving up.

But your little bub’s smile will make your heart melt. With patience and time, you’ll be able to ace this beautiful journey of parenthood.

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