How to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

How to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

We all know that summers can be hard for pets. Therefore, we need to make the right arrangements to keep them cool in the callous summer heat. Now, if you have a dog, it’s pretty much understandable that you will take your furry pooch outside. You can’t keep it forever in the house to save it from a heat stroke.

So what can you do to keep your dog cool in the summer?

Don’t worry! We have a perfect guide for dog parents. 


Keep Cool, Fresh Water 

While going out of the house with your dog, keep enough cool fresh water to last the entire trip/walk. Maintaining an accessible water bowl or a dog-friendly bottle is better to keep them hydrated. Drinking enough water will help them do better outside and save them from heatstroke. make your dog cool in summer

In case of excessive panting, you’ll need to bring your dog under the shade and let him have water. Well, don’t let them have it all at once, no matter how much they want to empty the bottle. Give them small in small chunks and slowly so that they can absorb them. 

Avoid Peak Heat Time

If you want to take your dog for a little walk or just some exercise, make sure the temperature is a little cool for him to bear. Say, it can be in the early morning or the evening when the temperature has cooled down a bit. 

First things first, you need to check the temperature of the pavement too. The experts advise us to check it with our bare hands. It shouldn’t feel very hot on your dog’s feet. We can also use dog’s boots, but they shouldn’t wear them for long as they get heated up pretty quickly. 

Use a Dog’s Sun Cream

We all prefer using sunscreen while going out. Well, your dog needs one too. The summers are too hot for him as well and can burn the skin too. It’s advisable to use sunscreen that protects your dog’s skin from getting affected by the UV rays. 

Never Leave Your Dog in Parked Cars

Your pet shouldn’t be left alone in the car even if the windows are pulled down. The temperature inside the vehicle can rise, leaving your dog panting and gasping for air. 

Generally, dogs are anxious about traveling, and keeping them behind in the car can make them more overwhelmed. So the experts suggest avoiding leaving your dog in the car even if it’s parked under the shade.

Playing in the Water 

Summers can take a toll on us due to extreme temperatures. We have always played in the water as children, and now we love having pool parties while the sun’s blazing light pierces through us. Similarly, your pup loves playing in the water too. You can have a nice pool set up for him or just take him to the lake and let him play in cool water. You’ll be surprised to see how quickly the temperature of his body lowers down. 

Keep Your Pooch Out of the Dog House

Some of us have built beautiful tiny dog houses for our furry l. But unfortunately, this little house cannot cater to your dog’s summer needs. The temperature inside the dog house can rise pretty quickly and suffocate your pooch. It’s better to keep him outside of the dog house till the temperature settles down. 

How to Rule Out Symptoms of a Heat Stroke in Your Dog?

Your dog might suffer from a heat stroke, and there is a need to keep a check on him for any signs of a better stroke. The symptoms may include;

  • Excessive panting 
  • Vomiting 
  • Excessively salivating 
  • Rapid pulse 
  • Tired or glazed eyes 
  • Diarrhea 

What To Do When Your Dog Suffers From Heat Stroke 

If you witness any signs of heatstroke in your puppy, bringing it under the shade is advisable. Place the cool towel on its head, chest, and neck. Let it drink a small amount of water, or you can give it an ice cube to lick. But, never give it excessive amounts of water at once or place it directly into the cold water.

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