Health Concerns in Females

Health concerns

‘You need to lose weight’ 

‘What are you doing about your acne?’ 

‘You gotta look beautiful!’

‘Your complexion is really dull!’

Most women must have heard these comments on their appearances a thousand times.

The pressure to look good has made women go out of their way to look pleasant according to society’s beauty standards. 

But have you ever given a thought to what women go through physically or mentally?

They are more prone to falling sick and losing the reign of their health.

Teens, pre-teens, girls, women, whichever word you use for this gender.

The conditions they face should be highlighted. And they should be given their basic right of health.

In this article, you’ll get to know various physical and mental conditions that could affect women more than men.

What Are The Female Health Issues?

Women face physical and mental torture, violence, abuse, societal pressure, STDs, anxiety, depression more than men.

Let’s have a look at such issues of women’s health.


Cervical and breast cancer are two of the most common ones that affect women.

According to stats, millions of women die because of these cancers.

Women in underdeveloped or undeveloped countries die the most of this disease.

Due to the lack of the right equipment, treatment, and awareness of such callous conditions. 

Pregnancy Complications:

Many women die because of pregnancy complications or develop certain conditions like infections,

UTIs, or other diseases like high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, preterm labor, or a miscarriage. It affects the mental health of women as well.

Eating Disorders:

Women have a lot of pressure from peer groups and society to look thin, skinny, or slim.

This pressure makes them conscious of their diet resulting in skipping some meals or sticking to a certain kind of diet by eliminating a group of foods.

The eating disorders include bulimia and anorexia or other specified feeding or eating disorders.

Depression and Anxiety:

Women go through numerous episodes of violence, abuse, bullying, and harassment which affect their mental health.

About 8% of the teens suffer from anxiety disorders.

What happens when such mental conditions go unnoticed or are taken lightly by the people around?

It may result in suicide or other major mental health issues and difficulty coping.

The sufferer’s daily life starts affecting, and their health declines day by day. 

Any woman shouldn’t be denied their basic mental health right. And treatment and awareness should be made accessible to them.

Substance Abuse:

Most girls fall prey to drinking, smoking, and drug abuse.

The high school-going girls get affected the most. More than 25% of them turn to smoking and drinking, and 4% use cocaine.

Reasons could be peer pressure, experimentation, or stress.

Adult women go through abuse and stressful situations to smoke binge drinking to relieve their stress.


Sexually active women are at risk of numerous sexually transmitted diseases.

Awareness about contraceptives and sexual education is the basic right of every woman.

Lack of awareness or education may lead to early and teen pregnancies. Which usually result in many complications.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): 

A very common health issue that women face is PCOS.

It is a hormonal issue where women have irregular and missed menstrual cycles, and some of them do not ovulate.

They have extremely high androgen levels, which is a male sex hormone, resulting in excessive hair growth.

PCOS also causes small cysts in the ovaries resulting in infertility or difficulty conceiving.

Due to such a medical condition, they may also experience type 2 diabetes and heart problems.

The Bottom Line: 

Now, the question arises, How to avoid these medical conditions? 

Unfortunately, some of them are unavoidable, like PCOS.

Still, You can avoid this by spreading awareness and giving women access to treatments. And medical help to live a healthy life both physically and mentally.

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