Grooming your Cat

It’s been a few weeks since you last groomed your cat, and it is looking a bit rough. Even in the sweltering heat, your bundle of joy hates showers and baths. You can see that your cat is depressed and low because of the heat but does not want to take a bath or get clean, or maybe you just got a kitten and have no idea which way to go about grooming when its coat gets a bit dirty.

In this article, we have all the tips and tricks you can use to initially groom your cat at home and get your cat to like baths.

Brush your cat’s fur

As convenient as it is, we advise you not to brush your cat’s coat with any ordinary brush or comb because the bristles of the comb or brush might irritate your cat’s skin and fur. Instead, there are plenty of brushes available on Amazon and other shopping websites that you can use. These combs are gentle, and they sort out all the knots in your cat’s fur.

Brushing your cat’s fur two to three times a week can stop their fur from getting dirty and help with shedding.

Give them gentle baths: Grooming your Cat

This one is for people who just got cats or kittens, don’t worry. grooming of cat is not that difficult. We have more tips for people with mature cats further in the article.

If you have a kitten, you can get it to like baths earlier on; make sure to use a gentle fur shampoo that you can find on any pet website or in a pet store. Refrain from pouring water directly on the cat, making it a peaceful and calm experience.

You can use a trick called the ‘step by step treat training.’ Under this training, you first take the cat to the sink or the bathroom tub and let it observe the environment. Give it a treat for good behavior, and then, after a while, turn on the water, and keep the water pressure low to keep your cat calm. With each successful step, give your cat a delicious treat to hold them over for the next step. A treat for your cat is either their favorite toy or silver of food they like to eat.

Then gently bathe your cat; this training method is suitable for kittens and mature cats.

Trim their claws : Grooming your Cat

This plays very important role is grooming your cat. Claws are a part of a cat’s natural defense system, but house cats usually hurt themselves with their claws. Thus, it is better to trim them from time to time. Small clippers are available that do the job perfectly, but some pet owners advise taking your cat to the vet for this work because this job is of extreme precision, and you might hurt the cat with the clippers. Some cats also get out f control, and if you cannot restrain them, you or the cat could get hurt.

Dental health

One thing that most pet owners overlook is their pet’s dental health. Like any other animal, a cat’s dental health is essential. Though your cat might not like you brushing their teeth, you will have to do it because some kitten loses all their teeth because of all treats and no brushing. We advise you not to use the same toothpaste for your cat as you do for yourself. Instead, get toothpaste from your vet or online. Those kinds of toothpaste are much more gentle and help keep your cat’s oral health in good shape. If you can’t manage to do so, then take your cat to the vet every once in a while for thorough oral cleaning.

Some Extra Tips for Cleaning

  • Use a bath buddy in showers ( smear your cat’s favorite treat on bath buddy. The bath buddy treat distracts your cat while you bathe them.)
  • Bathe your cats when they are in a calm mood. Don’t create any anxiety around cats.
  • We advise you not to restrain your cat harshly during bathing time, which may scare her.
  • Clean the mites in your cat’s ear using a soft cotton ball or a towel. It will bring an improvement in itching ears.
  • Use flea remover shampoo or anti-fungal shampoo when the need arises.


We hope this article helped you in some way. Good luck.

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