Fever Symptoms; How do you know you have it?

Fever Symptoms Causes and Cure
Fever Symptoms Causes and Cure

Are you feeling a little down?

Is your nose clogged. And you’re feeling a little hot?

Well, you may have the common cold or other kinds of fevers!

A common misconception for people is that all the symptoms that a body shows when defending itself from a viral attack are due to the virus itself. While it does appear due to the virus, it is the body’s defense mechanism acting against the spread of the virus inside your body!

Fever is also one of this defense mechanism. In which the body temperature increases to make it harder for the virus to multiply. Generally, you may get a fever when you contract a cold, influenza, or the common flu. It is due to the increase of white blood cells in the body. Which are actively combatting the intruders in your body!

Most common a fever is indicated by a rise in temperature from the average body temperature, 98.7F (or 37.2C) to any temperature above it.

Different Fever Temperatures; what do they indicate?

Depending on the severity of the viral infection spreading in your body. You may suffer different ranges of temperature rise, each resulting in a change in your overall body condition. Generally, fevers that rise more than a degree from normal body temperature are classified as weak fevers. Weak fevers can make you feel sluggish and cause an inability to do precision tasks and any other things requiring concentration.

When a jump of 2 degrees is seen from average body temperatures, it is classified as a moderate fever. It may cause a sudden increase in the severity of previously discussed symptoms. A fever is classified as severe or high if the average body temperature increases by 4-5 degrees. Anything above this or at 106F can even result in Hyperpyrexia which is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Although most fevers are prone to end in 1-3 days. It has been noted that continuous fevers can even take up to 14 days. Even if it is mild, a reoccurring fever is a sign of an infection or severe health condition.

Other symptoms of fever also include but are not limited to;






skin rashes

sensitivity to light




poor appetite

Muscle cramps, as well as abdominal pain, are also indicators of fever. If a severe fever (102-104F) persists for more than and you have some of the more severe symptoms mentioned. It is advised you seek immediate medical attention.

Treatment for your fever

Even though fevers are not dangerous and good for the body. As it indicates your body’s struggle against the intruders, they are uncomfortable to have. Although most fevers only last a few days or even hours. There are some simple yet effective ways to better your condition or recover from said fever. They may not be effective against the most severe fevers, but they will soothe your nerves until the fever is over.

Replenish your bodily fluids regularly

It would be best if you kept yourself hydrated with any kinds of liquids. The most popular ones and easy to digest are clear soup, all-natural juice, and water. Your body requires a lot of hydration during the fever process as immune cells constantly exert the body’s resources in combatting the virus or infection in your body.

Consume light as well as bland foods

Although most people do not have much of an appetite during a fever. Keeping your body energized with light and bland food is essential in combatting the intruders in your body.

Rest regularly and take regular warm sponge baths

Although resting will come naturally to you due to the fever exhausting your body. You mustn’t exert yourself in this state as it will only prolong the fever if you do so. Resting will allow your body to reserve your resources for the immune cells. Thus making the fever process go quicker than before. Besides that, warm sponge baths can help you with the sweat accumulation on your body.

And provide a soothing feeling that generally increases the morale of the patient. Besides the treatments mentioned above, you can also help cool down the fever and suppress some symptoms medications. However, for severe cases that include viral infections. Doctors may prescribe medicines to you according to your symptoms which will help soothe the fever!

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