Depression in Children: Symptoms and Cures

what is depression symptoms

We always get worried when our children feel sad and cannot cope with certain feelings. Many of us ignore that our children can also fall prey to depression, just like adults.

But, how can you differentiate between sadness and depression?

We all know that children experience mood swings and get cranky, which parents consider pretty normal. But if your child is persistent in showing sadness and mood swings and affecting his life at school and home, it’s time to get him checked with a psychiatrist. 

What Are The Symptoms of Depression in Children?

what are symptoms of depression

When your child shows the following symptoms for months, he needs your attention. 

  • Lack of energy or being lethargic all the time.
  • Loss of weight and appetite.
  • He always feels ashamed of himself.
  • Losing interest in activities.
  • Experiencing insomnia or hypersomnia.
  • Having thoughts of suicide.
  • Lack of concentration.

Causes of Depression in Children:

Depression can be very overwhelming for a child to experience as he does not understand the complexities of his mental condition. He does not know what factors play a vital role in contributing to his depression.

There can be many causes of depression in a child.

Imbalance in Neurotransmitters:

Your brain depends on the activity of neurotransmitters. If there is an imbalance, it will affect a child’s mood and emotions. You are risking him falling into depression.

Environmental Factors

If a child is exposed to an unstable and stressful environment at home or school, chances are he may experience depression.


Many children go through traumatic experiences like parents’ divorce or abuse. All of this makes them vulnerable to feeling depressed.

Genetic Factors

When a Family history of depression is reported, your child will likely fall prey to depressive disorders.

How to cure Depression in Children?


Now, if your child has been diagnosed with depression and you’re clueless about what to do. You need to take care of the following steps while dealing with them.

  • Visit a Psychiatrist. Your child cannot feel better on his own. He cannot tackle his emotions, so he needs a good Psychiatrist. Therapy and counselling can help him regulate his emotions. 
  • Provide Emotional Support. We often forget that our child needs emotional support more than anyone. They need your care, love, and attention to help them deal with their depression. Lashing out on them is never the way. Tell them subtly that you understand their feelings and remind them of your presence. Make them assure that they can always lean on you.
  • Bring a Change in Their Lifestyle. Your child needs a healthy lifestyle. You can ask them to do a physical activity like playing soccer or just a regular walk. You can also try making healthy meals, affecting a child’s mind.
  • Steal their Loneliness. Most of the people facing depression cut themselves away from society. Don’t let your child fall into loneliness, as this makes them experience suicidal thoughts. Help them feel connected to the world, to you, and have an unbreakable bond with them.

Depression experienced by adults or children is treatable and curable. Remember, they need loads of emotional support and people around them who understand their feelings and emotions. With the help of therapy and counselling they can lead a better life.

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