Declutter Your Home

Declutter Your Home
Declutter Your Home

What do you think when you walk into your house, tumbling and stumbling on things?

You want to sit on the sofa to relax, but you can only see a stack of clothes over it. Clutter everywhere! You get an urge to declutter your home or just run away from here! 

‘It is stressful!’ 

‘I do not have time to organize all of my stuff.’ 

‘I’m too lazy to put that back into the drawer.’ 

‘I’ll put it back in the closet when I come back.’ 

And that tomorrow or afterward never comes. Your house has become a land ready to be discovered where you could find everything by juggling the stuff here and there. 

You might have just bought some extra clothes or a chair that you’ll never need. You already have clothes splurging out of your closet and everywhere in your room. And chairs? You keep stashing books, papers, and other important things on them. That’s how your house looks. And you complain of a stressful life!

A cluttered house gives you a cluttered mind. that’s why you need to declutter your home.

A house is where you can find mental and physical peace. Where you can stay focused, relaxed, and happy, but trust us, a cluttered home will give you more stress than your boss ever does. 

So, why don’t you just sit down and look around? Little by little, room by room, declutter the whole house! 

Declutter Your Home — Things to Do This Summer 

Declutter is all about letting go of things you don’t use anymore. The things unnecessarily take up space in your house for no reason. It can become a joy kill for your party mood or make you feel sluggish or kind of exhausted. A clean and organized home can actually be a game-changer! You’ll have fewer things to clean, and it’ll be easier to keep everything managed and organized. 

How to Start Decluttering your Home When Overwhelmed

When you decide to gather energy to declutter your house, you become overwhelmed. All that mess, stacks of clothes, and different things make the process seem impossible. 

Let’s face the fact that change does make us overwhelmed. It can also bring you on the verge of giving up. Understand that you’re not alone. We know it is hard to clear the mess or let go of certain things. But for the sake of your sanity and organized house, you have got to do it.

So when overwhelmed, don’t lose your strength! Breathe in and breathe out till you sort it out! 

We have curated a list for you on how to start decluttering.

  1. Make a List to Wake the Gist! First things first, we will advise you to make a list. You should look around and decide which of the rooms need decluttering first. Also, which of the things bother you the most. Check it off on the list when you’re done with one room. It’ll give a sense of accomplishment. 
  1. Take Things Easy, or You’ll Go Crazy! You have to take one step at a time when you are about to reorganize your house. You can’t do all of it in a day. It takes months to bring out a clean, organized side of your messy cramped house. 
  2.  Name Four Bags or Ready to Sag!

We’ll advise you to pick up four bags to make things easier for you. Name them as rubbish, donate, recycle and Keep Away. You’ll be surprised to find out many things that you could donate. Or just plainly throw them bin like water bottle caps, torn jeans. You could donate an extra pair of trousers or just sell them. Recycle water bottles or other plastic materials. It would be best to toss the things that need to be in their places in the keep-away bag. Doing this would make it easier to organize your items later.

How Can I Declutter My Home Room by Room?

Now you have the first step, and you’re all ready to alter the first room. Do not worry, as it’ll take time, but it’ll all be worth it.

Let’s get to the bathroom first! 

The Bathroom: 

If your bathroom sink table is literally flooding with every kind of skincare product and other things, declutter them! Take out the expired ones or those you don’t use anymore and throw them in the bin. 

Shower gels, scrub, exfoliators, everything that you don’t use or have finished, put them in the rubbish bag. Keep only one user to you and make your sink a clean and organized space. So that when you brush your teeth in the morning, your mind doesn’t get lost in a mess. 

You can donate those medicines that you have left long ago. Just keep those that you can come in handy during any emergency.

The Bedroom 

The bedroom where you come to relax and sleep should be the epitome of cleanliness. A messy, unclean bedroom will give you more stress. If you’re just shutting your eyes off and ignoring all that mess, then it’s high time you take charge.

While decluttering, clear away your nightstand. Put away the books that you’ve read back on their shelves. Keep that coffee mug back in the kitchen that’s been there for a long time. Throw away all those wrappers of chips and candies that you had been stuffing under your bed.

Take a small basket and keep your chargers, reading glasses case, and airports in it. Fold and hang the clothes that had been lying on your sofa for too long.

Now come to the dresser and throw away the empty bottles of moisturizers and cleansers. Donate perfumes that you don’t use and recycle things like open tissue boxes or baby formula tin. 

And lastly, make your bed to give your bedroom a final look that it deserves.

Declutter your Home :The Kitchen:

Take a deep breath and relax. You’ve got it! We know decluttering a kitchen can be overwhelming because of loads of things. First of all, if you are hungry, prepare a snack, look around and observe.

You can start by taking out items from each cabinet one by one. Give away or donate the utensils that you don’t use and throw away the expired sauces or canned foods. Dedicate each cabinet to one set of items like plates, glasses, food factory, mugs, and boxes. Clear away extra spoons from the drawers and give away different aprons and tablecloths. 

When it comes to the countertop, keep minimal things on it. Keep only those on your countertop that you use every day. Items that are just lying there for a reason take up space. Keep them inside the cabinet in an organized way. 

The Living Room 

The living room is where all the socializing and arguments happen. So this room has a lot of wear, tears, and mess! 

There are not many storage options in the living, but you can still cut the deal. Put your book inside the bookcase and gadgets inside a storage drawer under your TV base. Clear the coffee table and keep a small plant pot at the center. 

The sofas should only have two or three cushions and nothing else. There shouldn’t even be extra clothes, shoes, or a remote lying on it. Keep a small box or basket for remote and chargers. Your living room will look cleaner and organized with all tips.

Declutter your Home :The Kids Room 

The room is full of horrors and terrors! Clutter, toys, more clutter!

Keep your kids in the loop while cleaning their room. Donate toys that they don’t play with anymore. Explain to them the meaning of letting go and throwing away broken ones and don’t work. 

Give away the clothes that do not fit them and fold/hang the ones lying on their bed. Ask for your kids’ help and declutter their mess with them.

Does Decluttering Help With Depression?

When your house is untidy and messy, your mind will naturally feel stressed out and cluttered. A clean and organized home can promote high self-esteem and boost the sense of control in your life.

Final Thoughts:

Summer is almost here and blankets and comforters go back in the cabinets. So why don’t we take this chance and declutter the entire house? An organized house will give you a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. A tidy and neat home leads to a happy mind!

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