Common Health Problems in Children

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Common Health Problems in Children

We know that children fall sick more than adults as they have a weaker immune system. But, it is a part of them growing up.

The decision of choosing a doctor should not be taken lightly. Every child deserves the best medical attention.

It is always recommended to contact your General Physician to track your child’s overall health.

What are Some of the Common Health Problems in Childhood?

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Common Health Problems in Children

Following are some of the health issues children suffer during their childhood.


When your child has a wheezing sound while breathing, has a dry cough, or suffers from shortness of breath while doing some physical activity, they might have asthma. It is always best to get him checked with the doctor to rule out asthma and start the treatment. 

Common Cold:

Every child suffers from a normal cough, cold and runny nose. They are caused by numerous viruses in the air or having physical contact with others. It is best to let them have hot fluids and lots of steam. Antibiotics are always given on the prescription of your GP.

Since Covid19, common colds and flu should not be taken lightly. It’s better to get them examined by a doctor.

Worm Infestation

Some children have worms in stools and abdominal pain accompanied by perianal itching. Doctors prescribed deworming as the treatment.

Ear Infections:

One of the most common health issues children face is Ear infections. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that children suffer from ear infections more than adults. The symptoms might include fever, itching, and pain in the ears. 


Children often suffer from stomach pain that leads to diarrhoea or vomiting. It s usually caused by viruses or something they eat. The symptoms subside in a few days. Loads of fluids should be given because of dehydration caused by vomiting and diarrhoea.


When your child gets a ‘pink eye’ followed by discharge, pain, and itchiness, this is known as conjunctivitis. This might be caused by bacteria entering the eye. It is better to keep your child away from others or let them cover their eyes with sunglasses as conjunctivitis is contagious. The doctor will give him eye drops and ointment after examining the eye properly. 

Hand Foot and Mouth Disease:

A harmless infection that includes mouth sores and skin rashes. Children usually suffer from this disease, which generally subsides within a couple of days.


These are small red spots that can appear on your child’s body. These spots might contain puss and blood and are very itchy. Children are highly contagious, so it’s recommended to start the treatment right away and keep the child away from others until the condition gets better.

Intolerance Towards Certain Foods

Children may develop Intolerance towards a few things in their diet. The symptoms include stomach ache and diarrhea. It’s better to have a detailed discussion with the doctor about whether your child is coping with certain intolerances.

Urinary Tract Infection: 

It is very common  among children. Itching and pain while passing urine and frequent urination are symptoms. Hydration is the key to treating it and other treatment essentials that a doctor might prescribe you.

How to Keep Your Child Healthy? 

How to Keep Your Child Healthy? 
Common Health Problems in Children

As we said earlier, children are more prone to diseases and infections as their immune system develops. But we can keep their health in check by doing the taking the important measures. 

  • Hygiene is the most important step as most viruses are contagious and transfer through hand contact. In times of pandemics, it is mandatory to keep their hygiene in check.
  • Hydration: Keep your children hydrated as dehydration can lead to numerous infections.
  • Balanced diet: Children’s immune system is still developing, and they need a whole balanced diet full of nutrients. 
  • Regular Visits to GP: Parents should take their children on regular visits to GP to keep their weight gain and overall health in check.

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