Can Dogs Eat Chicken?

Can Dogs Eat Chicken?
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Dogs are your source of happiness and wellbeing. A furry companion that keeps you company when you’re not in the mood to party. He can only be there for you if he’s healthy. As a pet parent, you have to take care of it, no matter what. 

We actually know how much you love your furry pup and are concerned about its health. Vitamins, minerals, proteins, you want to make it eat all that healthy. If you’re a new pet owner, you must be overwhelmed with many questions. You’ve been reading tons of articles about can dogs eat chicken and asking your dog owner friends until you just landed right here! (And you are at the right place!) 

We have one meal for your dog that can make him go literally head over heels for it! And for you too, we promise! CHICKEN! 

Uh, you must be waiting for some fancy dog food brand. But we have just spit out a meat’s name! What to do?

Nothing! Just take out that frozen chicken and prepare it for your furry pooch!

Benefits of Chicken For My Dog

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Now you have a new meal for your furry friend. You’re all excited to make him eat it because everyone raves about it. Yes Dogs can eat chicken Or you have read about it somewhere on the internet. But do you really see the benefits that it brings for your dog? If not, don’t worry. We are here to make you aware of how to keep your puppy’s stomach full!

  • Chicken is a great source of protein. It gives your dog the right amount of energy that it needs.
  • It is also rich in omega 6 fatty acids that help healthy skin. Omega 6 fatty acids help your dog absorb all the essential vitamins and minerals and aid in its growth.
  • Chicken also has Amino acids that make your dog’s muscles healthy.
  • Glucosamine in the Chicken can prevent arthritis in your dogs and makes your dog’s bones stronger.

Can My Dog Eat Cooked Chicken?

So, now you have a packet of frozen chicken (or you just bought it from the poultry) in your hands. You do not know how to make your dog do it. Let’s relax and not fret because you don’t need any fancy seasonings. 

You might like your chicken tender, juicy, or you just toss in a pan full of oil and fry it. Or you might be craving a spicy roasted chicken. But let’s face the fact that your dog’s stomach can’t take all that spicy food! Or any seasoning in its chicken! If he likes having chicken, you can’t give him a piece of a roast from your plate. You have to cook his meal separately.

How To Cook Chicken For My Dog? 

We have discussed that the chicken for your dog is cooked without spices and seasoning. Now you’re thinking about adding a little piece of garlic or onion to give it a yummy aroma! Stop right there! Onions and garlic are a big NO! You can’t add them to your dog’s food.

So how do you cook it? 

  • Boil it in water for 12 minutes or until it is tender! 
  • Shred-it and let it cool to avoid your dog’s tongue getting burned.
  • Give it as it is or mix it with rice. Rice and chicken are the most loved food combo by the dogs. It can also be good for your dog’s upset tummy. But make sure you never make it eat brown rice. Your dog should only have white rice.
  • You can also mix the chicken with veggies or dog food.
  • You can also roast the chicken for your pup’s dinner to make variations.

Can My Dog Solley Live on Chicken and Rice? 

Your pup might live solely on rice and chicken. But in that way, it’ll be a highly unbalanced diet. Some other important nutrients would never make it to his meal plans. This diet might make your dog prone to many medical conditions. 

Can I Give Raw Chicken to My Dog?

Have you ever tried eating raw chicken? No? Because it’s full of bacteria, and it’s just plain gross! 

We do have this notion that dogs can eat raw chicken. But if you do that, your dog is at the risk of catching salmonella or any other bacterial infection. So, to answer your question, we would say NO! Cook the chicken. It’ll hardly take 15 minutes! 

Can I Give Chicken Breast to My Dog?

Absolutely yes! If your doggie likes chicken, chances are he might eat up all that yummy breast piece. He might not find it the juiciest part, but it sure is the healthiest of all! It has very fewer amounts of fat and sodium. The breast piece of chicken is an extremely rich source of lean protein.

Hazards of Feeding Chicken to Your Dog

Not everything can suit everybody’s stomach. Just like that, your pet can also have food allergies. Chicken is on the third in the list of food allergies of dogs. So whenever you see any reaction, visit your pet to rule out any possible food allergy. Not taking any notice of your dog’s allergic reaction can lead to excessive licking or biting.

Another thing that needs to be taken care of is never including bones with chicken. Bones can rupture your dog’s intestines and stomach.

How Much Chicken Can My Dog Eat? 

According to Founders Veterinary Clinic, you should give ¼ or ⅓ cup of meat protein per 20lbs of body weight per day. 

If your dog loves having chicken every day, you can adjust it with other nutritious foods. Because if he eats only chicken, he will be missing out on other nutrients. So it’s better to balance out the ratio of all vitamins and minerals.

Final Thoughts: 

Besides all your love and attention, your furry companion needs good health. It is good to give him a balanced diet and introduce food that does not cause any allergic reaction. Your pup will be happy if you keep him healthy!

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