Can Cats Handle Summer?  

Can Cats Handle Summers?

We know that when the weather gets warmer, we start to see more and more animals out and about, enjoying the sun. But what about our feline friends? Cats are known for being independent, but does that mean they don’t need our help to stay cool in summers? They sure do! And we are here to help your little furry friends.

12 Tips To Keep Your Cat Cool In Hot Weather

1. Keep them indoors during the hottest hours:

Cats are most active during dawn and dusk, so it’s best to keep them indoors during the day’s hottest hours. If they must go outside, make sure there is a shaded area for them to retreat to. If they like being brushed, you can also try giving them a bath;  just make sure the water isn’t too cold or too hot.

2. Give them a cool place to rest: 

Cats love to find a sunny spot to nap in. But in hot weather, it’s essential to make sure they have a cool and shady place to rest as well. A cat bed or mat placed in the shade will do the trick.

3. Provide plenty of water:

Your furry friend needs fresh, clean water at all times, but this is especially important in summer. Fill up multiple water bowls and check them often to ensure playful kitties haven’t emptied them.

4. Keep their fur clean and short: 

Cats groom themselves, but they can’t reach everywhere. Help them out by brushing their fur regularly during summer. This will help eliminate any mats or tangles and allow them to cool off. 

Cats with long fur will suffer more in the heat. If your cat has a long coat, you must consider giving them a lion cut or keeping their hair short in the summer months. in this way your cats handle summers

5. Avoid hot pavements: 

Hot pavement can burn your cat’s paws, so avoid walking them on hot days or stick to grassy areas. If you must walk them on pavement, put booties on their feet or wait until the evening when the pavement has cooled down.

6. Keep them hydrated: 

Cats can get dehydrated quickly, so it’s important to keep them well-hydrated. Offer wet food or canned food more often than dry food, and consider adding water to their bowl. You can also let them play with ice cubes.

7. Give Them a Wet Towel:

Provide your cat with a cool, moistened towel to lie on or lay in. Cats handle summers and enjoy lying on cool surfaces, which can help them stay comfortable in hot weather.

8. Avoid using hot water

Avoid using hot water when bathing your cat, as this can dry out their skin. Instead, lukewarm water or even cool water is the best deal if your cat tolerates it.

9. Give them frozen treats: Cats handle summers

Cats love frozen treats, and they’re a great way to help keep them cool in summer. You can make your own cat-safe popsicles out of chicken broth or store-bought treats. Just make sure the treats don’t contain any toxic ingredients for cats, like raisins or chocolate.

10. Use Fans and Air Conditioners 

Cats enjoy lounging in front of a fan or air conditioner, but the direct blast of air can actually make them hotter. Set up multiple fans around your home and position them, so they’re not blowing directly on your cat.

11. Ice Packs

 Put ice packs or frozen water bottles in your cat’s bed or favorite resting spot to help them stay cool. Just make sure they’re covered, so your cat doesn’t get frostbite!

12. Pet fountain : Cats handle summers

If you have a pet fountain, consider filling it with ice water for your cat to drink. Cats love playing in running water, and the cold water will help keep them cool.

We hope these tips help you keep your cat cool and comfortable all summer long!

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