Your baby is in his first week, and you’re on the road to recovery. Chances are, you are overwhelmed with this new role and have concerns about your baby’s health and milestones. You don’t know what to expect and how to keep a check on your baby’s growth. You can put your worries aside for a while because we have answers to your concerns.

Birth to 1 month:

What Are Some of the Developmental Milestones For a New-born Baby

Your baby’s head is kind of shaky at this stage. He does not know how to hold his neck. His head might look unshaped as he had been squeezed out of your birth canal ( if given birth vaginally). His arms and legs are still curled up, and fists are closed.

Your child’s hearing is not entirely developed. He is familiar with your voice that he often heard while you argued about silly things with your partner or siblings. 

The vision at this stage is significantly blurred. Baby’s eyes might cross as the muscles that control eye movements aren’t yet fully developed.

You’ll be surprised to find out that your child recognizes your scent immediately after birth.

How Much Should My Newborn Feed? 

If you are breastfeeding, your child needs to be fed every 2-3 hours. But it might be the case that your cuddle bear is not ready to leave your side and is practically stuck to you for a long time. Please do not panic; it’s perfectly okay! Most of the babies cluster feed.

If your child is formula-fed, he will need 2-3 ounces of milk every 3 hours.

How Much Sleep Should My Newborn Sleep?

How Much Sleep Should My Newborn Sleep?

Your baby loves to sleep at this stage! He would sleep at least 16 hours a day, only to be woken up for another session of milk. 

First Month Baby Growth

What Milestones Should a 1-month Old Have?

  • Your child now starts moving his head side to side while enjoying tummy time. He has a firm grip and loves grabbing things in his fist. 
  • Your child’s hearing is wholly developed at one month, and he can recognize your voice.
  • Your baby only sees in black and white or other contrasting colours. They get familiar with their caretaker’s faces.

How Much Should a One-month-old Baby Feed? 

Your bubbly tot might cluster feed at this stage due to a growth spurt. Be extra gentle and let them feed whenever they want if you’re breastfeeding. 

If the child is formula-fed, he should be getting 4 hours of milk every 2-3 hours. 

How Much Sleep Should My One Month Old Baby Have?

Your one-month-old has pretty much the same sleeping habits as the initial weeks. They might be sleeping 15-16 hours a day.

Activities For a Month Old:

  • You can read them a book. We know it sounds silly, but it might instil early reading habits in them. 
  • Talking to a baby is what makes him happy! He won’t understand, but he loves listening to your calming voice.
  •  It is just the right age to introduce rattles as they’ll look at them, and their eyes might travel from the object to object.

Second Month:

What Milestones Should My Baby Have at Two Months

Two months have passed with your cutie pie, and oh, that joy of looking at him growing! Now your baby can straighten up his legs, and his movements are less jerky. He explores his surroundings and observes keenly. He might respond to you by smiling and making your heart melt!

  • Your baby has started lifting his head briefly while on his tummy. Oh, that curious little creature! He can now open and close his fists and explore his hands by sucking them. 
  • At this stage, they also get familiar with your faces.
  • Now your baby has just discovered that they can communicate with their cries! We know it gets frustrating when you can’t find out why your baby is crying. He can be hungry or have a stomach ache or a dirty diaper. Or he might be colic! Oh, that horror!

How Much Does My Baby Feed at Two Months? 

If your baby’s weight is going just fine, you should leave your worries aside and keep increasing the amount of milk according to your child’s needs.

With breastfeeding, your body will keep making enough milk for your child, and you will be surprised to see the little champ thriving on it! 

How Much Sleep Should a Baby Have at 2 Months

Now you start having a slight idea of your baby’s sleeping patterns. He might sleep for longer stretches, and that might give you a sigh of relief. If you’re not there yet, that’s okay! 

Activities For a Two-Month-Old: 

  • Your child will love looking at colours and different objects, so introducing a play gym is a good idea.
  • Reading is still recommended at this stage as they love looking at pictures and listening to your voice.
  • Try conversing with your baby ( not too intense) and letting them answer you with their coos and babbles.

Third Month:

What Developmental Milestones Should a 3 Month Old Have?

  • At this stage, they may go through a growth spurt that might tiptoe their sleeping and feeding sessions. Like You have to stay calm and be patient as this too shall pass! Your baby has become more active and social and loves seeing people around. 
  • Your baby now starts to reach and grab an object. He can now hold his neck a little firmly.
  • The happiest moment for the parents is when their baby starts recognizing their faces. And that happens in three months!
  • Your baby now tunes up his communication skills and makes eye contact. He might imitate them by babbling and answering their language when you talk to them.

How Much Should My Baby Feed at 3 Months? 

If you’re breastfeeding, your baby will now demand every 3 hours. And with bottle feeding, your baby will be fine with 4 to 5 ounces every 3-4hours.

How Much Sleep Should My Baby Have at 3 Months? 

At this stage, they start sleeping longer stretches at night, phew! Their nap durations shrink and that’s okay. They want to spend time exploring their surroundings.

Activities For a 3-Month-Old:

  • They still love playing on play mats as they know how to reach for objects.
  • You can give them a soft and colourful toy to enhance their vision and curiosity.
  • Talk to them and see them responding in a lovely manner!

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